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  • globaltelehealthca

What Is Menopause?

  • Menopause happens when a woman stops menstruating, usually between 45 and 55 years old. The diagnosis is made when the woman has not had a period for 12 months continuously.

  • The transition from premenopausal to post-menopausal phase may take 10 years.

  • During this phase, the levels of estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone in the serum drop off.

  • We can artificially induce menopause in women by removal of the ovaries or via chemotherapy.

  • Each woman will experience menopause in a unique way; they may present all or just a few of these symptoms with varying levels of intensity.

  • The most important symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats. Researchers suggested that hot flashes are caused by changes to the hypothalamus, which regulates temperature.

  • The depletion and fluctuation of hormone levels can cause:

    1. weight gain

    2. slower metabolism

    3. Mood swings, including symptoms of depression and anxiety

    4. Sleep problems

    5. Hair loss, dry eyes, and mouth

    6. Sexual problems; the hormone change can trigger a drop in libido

    7. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause, which includes genital dryness, irritation, sexual dysfunction, and urinary issues


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