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  • globaltelehealthca

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

People with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) worry uncontrollably about common situations. GAD is not normal feelings of anxiousness. It’s normal to feel anxious sometimes about occurrences. Patients are often aware that there is nothing to worry about.

Sometimes people with this condition just worry, but they are unable to say what they are worried about. They report feelings that something bad may happen or that they just can’t calm themselves.

Symptoms of GAD

• perceiving situations as more threatening than they are

• difficulty in letting go of worries

• difficulty concentrating

• difficulty sleeping

• difficulty with uncertain situations

• irritability, nervousness, overthinking

• fatigue and exhaustion

• muscle tension

• sweaty palms

• feeling shaky or weak

• rapid heartbeat

• dry mouth

• neurological symptoms, such as numbness or tingling in different parts of the body

What are the causes and risk factors for GAD?

Causes of and risk factors for GAD may include both environmental and genetic factors, such as:

• a family history of anxiety

• recent or prolonged exposure to stressful situations

• excessive use of caffeine or tobacco

• childhood abuse or bullying

• certain health conditions such as thyroid problems or heart arrhythmias

Lifestyle changes to help ease symptoms of GAD

Many people can find relief by adopting a certain lifestyle or behavioral changes. These may include:

• getting regular exercise if possible

• eating a balanced and nutrient-dense diet

• getting enough sleep

• doing yoga and meditation

• avoiding stimulants, such as coffee and some over-the-counter medications, such as diet pills and caffeine pills

• talking with a trusted friend, spouse, or family member about fears and worries


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